George Adams
Stop Throwing Away Used Cooking Oil! Do This Instead
If you have expired cooking oil, don’t throw it away!
One of the key aspects of living a self-sufficient lifestyle is becoming resourceful by finding...
12 Poisonous Plants That Might Be Growing on Your Property
Plants can be a very beautiful addition to any home or property. But it’s also an unfortunate fact that sometimes the most beautiful plants...
Asthma Off The Grid, Part 1
Last year, I wrote about the massive Canadian wildfires that devastated, not only the wilderness, but the air quality in many cities, including New York. Now,...
How Preparing for Common Emergencies Prepares You for Civil Unrest
It seems that the number, size, and increasing levels of violence of protests have become more common in the past several years. It’s natural...
What are Your Basic Survival Tools?
What are the survivalist’s basic tools? Where does the toolkit end and equipment begin? That is a tough call if you took a few...
Get these supplies before the next power outage
Power outages are a frequent occurrence in our country, and it’s no wonder, given that the power grid is outdated and poorly maintained. In...
How to Prepare for Disaster as a Family
Prepping as a lone wolf is a much different experience than prepping with a family. A lot of the time, it’s having a family...
Making Usnea Oil: A Functional Friend for Field and Hearth
Making usnea oil is easy, fun, and very beneficial for the homestead.
As an antimicrobial powerhouse, usnea provides the perfect base for DIY soaps and household cleaners....
The Great Global Warming Swindle and Climate the Movie: The Cold...
Seok Soon Park, Ph.D. Former President of Korea National Institute of Environmental Research, Professor of Environmental Science & Engineering, Ewha Womans University, Seoul Korea
When Family Comes for Survival
It’s standard fare in the prepping community that we say we won’t let anyone in, once we’re in survival mode. We prepare for our...