How to Make Biltong (The Best Survival Meat)
The process of drying and curing meats has been around for centuries. It was critical for food storage before people had refrigerators and freezers. But even today,...
How To Deliver A Placenta After The Baby: Human Birth, Part...
In this series on labor and delivery off the grid, we’ve emphasized the importance that knowledge of the birth process plays in producing a...
Do You Have an “After” Plan?
Here in the prepping and survival community, we talk a lot about surviving disasters of all types. That means a lot of our discussion...
Assemble a Sewing Repair Kit to Extend the Life of Your...
Some of the links in this post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission...
17 Apocalypse Foods You Should Stockpile Fast
If you have eyes and ears, you know things are not good. Having a stockpile of food is an absolute necessity. Maybe you’ll never actually...
Transportation After the SHTF
One of the subjects that seems to get overlooked in the prepping community is that of transportation. Oh, we’re great at talking about our...
When Disaster Hits, How Do You Decide Between Looting and Scavenging...
If disaster struck, where would you draw the line between seeking necessities (scavenging) and theft (looting), especially when your family’s well-being or survival is...
20 EMP-Proof Survival Items You Should Be Stockpiling
One of the disasters that preppers fear the most is an EMP (electromagnetic pulse). Why? Because it would literally throw us back a couple hundred years...
What You Should Do First When Bugging In
When facing a SHTF event, preppers fall into two categories: those who prefer to fortify their homes and stay put (bugging in) and those...