Plants can be a very beautiful addition to any home or property. But it’s also an unfortunate fact that sometimes the most beautiful plants can also be the most poisonous and dangerous. That’s why you’ll want to be very aware...
Last year, I wrote about the massive Canadian wildfires that devastated, not only the wilderness, but the air quality in many cities, including New York. Now, reports are coming in of 146 wildfires up north, many out of control, that are causing health...
The Great Depression was arguably the hardest economic since the Dark Ages. The things people had to do to survive that era serve as a reference point for modern-day preppers and survivalists. The Greatest Generation that survived those desperate...
The process of drying and curing meats has been around for centuries. It was critical for food storage before people had refrigerators and freezers. But even today, it’s still a tasty, nutritious snack that is easy to store and carry. If you like...
It seems that the number, size, and increasing levels of violence of protests have become more common in the past several years. It’s natural for parents to worry they might have to protect themselves and their children should they...
This morning, I read an article from the AP that confirms what we’ve been warning about for years: the rise of ‘zombie’ companies is a clear signal of big trouble ahead. Known as “zombie companies,” these businesses are drowning...
What are the survivalist’s basic tools? Where does the toolkit end and equipment begin? That is a tough call if you took a few anthropology classes, but I will try stick to tools in the traditional sense. Fixed Blade Knife A...
I recently read a book that estimates up to 5 billion people could die in the months and years after a global-scale nuclear war. The terrifying part about this is that the bulk of the deaths will result from hunger,...
Power outages are a frequent occurrence in our country, and it’s no wonder, given that the power grid is outdated and poorly maintained. In fact, for a first-world nation, we somewhat fail to take care of our infrastructure, and...
Our current iteration of SHTF proves that there are always people out there ready to take things of value that do not belong to them. You needn’t scroll very far on social media these days to see either a smash...