Survival Chemistry: Crafting and Storing Essential Solutions
Often, homesteading and survivalism can be defined by the simple fact that you have your own access to medical tools, energy, and food. However,...
Urban Prepping Mistakes That Can Get You Killed
In a world of constant uncertainty, prepping has shifted from the fringe to a mainstream necessity. While rural preppers find solace in nature, urban...
Harvesting Rainwater in Urban and Suburban Areas
Some of the links in this post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission...
Avoid These Places After SHTF
In the event of a significant and prolonged grid-down scenario, the need to adopt extraordinary measures to ensure personal safety becomes paramount. Whether putting...
Defending Your Community in a Time of Social Crisis
We preppers are good at thinking of and thinking about TEOTWAWKI scenarios where there’s a breakdown in society. Some Martian landing on Earth and...
Secure Foot Travel: Getting from A to B After the World...
PART 2/3
I will present a few techniques here, but effectiveness at tracking and counter-tracking takes training, study, and practice. Former SERE Instructor J.J. Johnson...
The Basics of Storing Water for Emergencies
We all need water. In as little as three days without it, a person can perish. Every family should have water stored in case...
Collecting Rainwater in Rural Areas
If you live in a rural area and want to harvest rainwater, your options range from simple to complex, depending on your environment, climate,...
Can You Build a Bunker on the Cheap?
The jury is still out on the usefulness of bunkers; at least, as far as I’m concerned. Militarily, the predecessors to bunkers came about...
When Disaster Hits, How Do You Decide Between Looting and Scavenging...
If disaster struck, where would you draw the line between seeking necessities (scavenging) and theft (looting), especially when your family’s well-being or survival is...