Read This Before Storing Water in Milk Jugs

Two of the most vital skills that you can have as a prepper are to store clean drinking water and to repurpose old items...

Must-have Smartphone Alerts and Emergency Apps for Everyone

Have you ever worried about how your family would stay connected and informed during an emergency? Imagine a scenario: a sudden storm warning, a...

The Food Storage Companies I Recommend and Why

Some of the links in this post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission...

9 Tips For Placing Your First Freeze-Dried Food Order

Are you a busy family looking for ways to prepare healthy meals quickly, while also building a long-term food storage pantry? Freeze-dried food can...

8 Natural Pain Relief Medications You Should Know About

In today’s world, dominated by pharmaceutical chemicals, it’s easy to forget the humble origins of pain relief. Long before the advent of modern medications,...

Taking Advantage of Food Sales

As we all know, food prices have been going up faster and faster. That’s actually not all that surprising, considering that inflation is still...

Survival Story: Steven Callahan — 76 Days Adrift in a Life...

In 1981, Steven Callahan was a boat builder attempting to cross back across the Atlantic by himself in Napoleon Solo, a 21’ wooden sailboat. He...

Making Usnea Oil: A Functional Friend for Field and Hearth

Making usnea oil is easy, fun, and very beneficial for the homestead.  As an antimicrobial powerhouse, usnea provides the perfect base for DIY soaps and household cleaners....

15 Astounding Usnea Benefits and Uses You Never Knew About

People have been using usnea for thousands of years.  This lichen can serve many applications because of its unique, multifaceted chemical composition. It’s a common...

Making Usnea Tincture for a Healthy Homestead When SHTF

Usnea lichen is a natural antimicrobial that can disinfect wounds and fight off bacterial infections like a boss. Crafting it into a shelf-stable alcohol tincture...