When Family Comes for Survival
It’s standard fare in the prepping community that we say we won’t let anyone in, once we’re in survival mode. We prepare for our...
Off-Grid Tools You Need to Look for at Flea Markets
Preparing to go off-grid can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to ensuring you have all the tools you may need.
Then, once...
I Lived in a Bunker for Three Weeks. This Is How...
Bunkers, as we know them today, came into wide use during World War I, though underground fortifications date back much further.
During the Cold War,...
Freeze-Dried Cheese: How to Use It (Recipes & Video Demonstration)
Craving cheese during an emergency? You’re not alone! This guide is for families who love cheese and want long-term storage solutions. Discover how freeze-dried cheese offers...
Bulletproof Gun Maintenance: How to Take Care of Your Firearms
While many states have passed concealed carry laws for firearms allowing for everyday carry, most of us store our guns long-term waiting for that annual, fall hunting trip or for...
Do This Before the End of Spring
As the world wakes up from its long winter nap, springtime is a flurry of activity, and with everything that’s going on, it’s easy...
What to Put in Your Bug Out First Aid Kit
First aid prepping can be seriously intimidating. Of the many skills and resources you are driven to gather on your preparedness path, it gets really...
5 Types of Potatoes to Store in Your Food Storage Pantry
Building a well-stocked pantry is a key part of preparedness, and potatoes shouldn’t be overlooked! Here are five types of potatoes that offer a...
12 Fastest Growing Fruit Trees for Your Backyard
Fruit trees are great, but everyone knows they take forever to produce. It’s true that you won’t get a fruit harvest the first year...
Items I Stockpile Because I Don’t Trust the Government
It’s comforting to assume that government agencies on a federal, state and local level will swoop in to provide aid and assistance in a...