Urban Prepping Mistakes That Can Get You Killed
In a world of constant uncertainty, prepping has shifted from the fringe to a mainstream necessity. While rural preppers find solace in nature, urban...
27 Things You Should Have In Your Vehicle At All Times
If you didn’t already understand the importance of preparedness, the COVID-19 situation should have taught you. In 2019, would anyone have predicted that we would...
How to Turn Your Car Into the Ultimate Bug Out Vehicle
Once you have a bug-out location set up and are stocked with the supplies you need to endure the hardships of the coming disasters...
10 Plants Soldiers Looked for During the Civil War
An estimated 3 million soldiers fought in the US Civil War. This was before the age of robust military logistics and both sides struggled...
Bartering Items You Need to Stockpile for the Next Financial Crash
As long as humanity has had financial systems, there have been financial crashes. Sometimes, these result in short-term suffering, but there have been times...
9 Poison Ivy Remedies That Really Work
If you are sensitive to poison ivy, oak, or sumac, a hike in the woods or even a walk in the park can turn...
Do You Have an “After” Plan?
Here in the prepping and survival community, we talk a lot about surviving disasters of all types. That means a lot of our discussion...
Read This Now, Thank Me Later
The security of your home is always of paramount importance if you plan on bugging in during a major disaster scenario. This holds true...