Food Storage Cans: How to Decide Between #10 or #2.5


Building a sustainable and secure food storage plan is a key part of family preparedness. But with differing can sizes at food storage companies, how do you know which foods to buy in which sizes? This guide will help you choose the right food storage can size for your needs, whether you’re a family of two or a large household,...

How to Prepare for Disaster as a Family


Prepping as a lone wolf is a much different experience than prepping with a family. A lot of the time, it’s having a family that brings the importance of prepping to light. The trouble is that your spouse and kids aren't watching political or global news and don't realize how important prepping is. That why you should spend time together...

Twins and Breech Babies: Human Birth, Part 4


In this comprehensive series of normal labor and delivery off the grid, we’ve discussed late-term pregnancy, the signs of impending labor, the progress through the stages of labor, delivery of the infant, and recovery care of the new mother. In this final part of this series, let’s talk a bit about the delivery of twins and other multiples and...

Bartering Your Skills in a Post-Disaster World


There has been much said, at one time or another, about bartering in a post-disaster world. Some preppers go so far as to build a stockpile of extra supplies, over and above their family’s needs, specifically for the purpose of bartering them. Should we see a TEOTWAWKI event in our lifetimes, those people would be able to set up...

The Best States to Outlive an EMP. Do You Live in One of Them?


Every day awareness grows of the real-world threat of an EMP attack or a solar coronal mass ejection. In either one of these scenarios, the damage to the electrical grid and many of the electronics people rely on will be catastrophic. Bugging out from a city to a remote location might be possible. However, getting to another state might be...

Cow in a Jar


Canning meat is easy. Yep, that’s where we’re starting today: what we’re about to do is pretty easy and everyone should be doing it. The freezer is great, but you do end up with degradation in taste and texture a lot faster than if you simply can your meat. Today, we’ll work on beef. A cow in a jar, if...

8 Trees You Can Grow In Buckets


It’s not common to think of growing a tree in a bucket, but many people do it all the time. Typically they’re dwarf varieties planted in large planters, containers, and even… buckets. But why grow trees in buckets? There a number of reasons for considering trees in a bucket. For one, they’re easily portable, or at least easier than transplanting...

Salt Storage: Which to Choose and How to Store Them


When building a resilient and sustainable food storage plan, we readily purchase pounds and pounds of wheat and dried beans, canned goods and freeze-dried food, yet overlook things that are integral to food preparation and edibility, as well as overall health. Salt storage is one such overlooked area. Salt enhances flavor, aids in food preservation, and is a vital...

How To Deliver A Placenta After The Baby: Human Birth, Part 3


In this series on labor and delivery off the grid,  we’ve emphasized the importance that knowledge of the birth process plays in producing a healthy newborn. In parts 1 and 2, we got you all the way through the delivery of the baby. With the baby in the arms of its mother, you might think you’re done, but you’re not. You still...

Survival Story: Miracle in the Andes


Survival Ordeal of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 The plane was chartered by the Old Christians rugby club to fly from Montevideo, Uruguay to Santiago, Chile after a stopover in Mendoza, Argentina. It was piloted by the flight’s inexperienced copilot Lt Col Dante Héctor Lagurara. Thinking he had flown past Curicó, and had flown over the Andes, he turned north...